Dawson County Parks and Recreation will soon have a new pier at War Hill Park. The Dawson County Board of Commissioners approved using funds from the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax 7 at its February 20 meeting.

The board also accepted a proposed bid for $212,500 for the construction.

The county holds a 25-year lease for the park with the US Army Corps of Engineers. The terms of the lease, which is about half completed, the park’s master plan must be updated and approved by the Corps before changes can be made. However, according to the county’s records, permission to replace the pier was granted before the current lease term began. That permission stipulated that the new pier must be built within the same footprint as the former one.

Plans call for an aluminum fixed structure with rails on both sides of the length of the pier and benches. Designated areas for fishing will be marked.

The pier is scheduled to be completed by the end of the summer.