Four LCKC youth members paddle to dock.

LCKC athletes paddle to dock.

During August-hot days in Gainesville at Lake Lanier Olympic Park, the Lanier Canoe/Kayak Club (LCKC) along with American Canoe Association (ACA) Paddlesports, hosted this year’s US National Sprint Canoe Kayak championships. Paddlers from around the country as far away as Hawaii, Washington State and Puerto Rico attended the four-day event.

Thirteen Canadian paddlers participated as well but were not allowed to medal since they weren’t from the U.S. LCKC had 86 athletes compete, and every member contributed points to the total win which speaks highly of our local athletes and coaches. Many of the visiting athletes remarked favorably on the venue and the lake. Dexter Barlow of Bothel, WA shared “it’s one the nicest venues I have visited.”

A photo of the youngest and oldest male and female athletes at Nationals from LCKC.

The youngest and oldest male/female athletes: Maxim Horunovych (10), Mary Horunovych (8), Jayne Berry (75) and Stephen Ligon (71).

This year’s event was truly a multi-generational event. For the first time it included a new younger group the “U-12,” an exhibition category for canoe/kayak athletes under 12. The increase in young athletes is encouraging for the club and the sport. The “Headway” group at LCKC for youth ages 7-16 years old is coached by Allison Martin and the LCKC Beginner Racing League (BRL) is run by Coordinator Caleb Collins and four coaches.

Competition categories included youth, junior and masters. The youngest female and male athletes were Mary Horunovych (8) and Maxim Horunovych (10) and the oldest female and male athletes were Jayne Berry (75) and Stephen Ligon (71). (Photo: by Kim Martin)

Paddling events included canoe and kayak races with single person boats, 2 and 4 person boats with male, female and mixed male/female teams as well. Racing distances included 200m, 500m, 1000m, 3K and 5K.

Says Kim Martin of LCKC, “thanks to community, city, and sponsor support, we now have a facility that matches its Olympic legacy and allows us to better host national events such as this. With the completion of the new boathouse, athletes from countries around the world, like Canada and Singapore are beginning to train here. Australian athletes are considering the location for training before the 2028 Olympics.” The ACA wants LCKC to host more events in the coming years. Next year’s ACA Nationals will be held in Seattle and the challenge for the club then, will be to raise the money to transport all of their boats across the country to Seattle.

A head and shoulders shot of Kim Martin from LCKC standing outside on the deck of the new boat house.


Martin also commented on the helpful community cooperation during the event stating, “the public was so kind and inquisitive about the event and took great care around the course.” Without the cooperation of the boaters, fishermen, and residents who live and play on the lake near the venue, events held at LLOP would not be as successful. Sharing the water, following Georgia’s 100-ft no-wake law and remaining alert to ever-changing circumstances on the water is imperative to everyone’s safety and enjoyment of the lake.

The event also could not have happened without the volunteers who gave their time and energy over the four-day event. Nationals required over 75 volunteers, some  received training driving boats and learning special skills necessary for the event. “A big shoutout to all who volunteered. We could not do it without you!” says Martin.

Economic impact

In addition to the many benefits the sport brings to our athletes, the financial impact on our community cannot be understated. “The ACA Sprint National Championships at Lake Lanier Olympic Park is a shining example of how the Greater Gainesville Sports Alliance is dedicated to bringing premier sporting events to our city,” said McKenna Kauffmann, manager of the Greater Gainesville Sports Alliance. “With a remarkable economic impact of $506,727, this event underscores our ongoing efforts to elevate Gainesville as a top sports destination. We’re excited to continue working on bringing more high-profile events that showcase the vibrant spirit of our community.”

At the conclusion of the competition, the annual Nationals banquet was held in the new Boathouse for all the athletes and their guests to share a meal, celebrate their accomplishments, learn about the LCKC program, and take tours of the facility.

Click here for a complete list of medal winners provided by LCKC.

For more information on Lanier Canoe/Kayak Club, email:, 770-287-7888 or