Though some restrictions are still in place when traveling, the beauty and vastness of Alaska ( is mostly open and free to enjoy the last American frontier!

Therefore, I have put together a  series of photos to remind our readers of the kaleidoscope of wonder awaiting them on any trip to our largest and most picturesque state!

Fantastic fishing is always a big draw in any part of Alaska. So is mouthwatering food, panoramas that are gorgeous and ever-changing, plus sightings of eagles, bears and other wildlife among the spruce, cottonwood and birch trees. On a good weather day, you can even get a peek at Mt. McKinley in the distance.

Words could never do justice describing the flight of an eagle, the soft eyes of a seal or the haunting sound of a whale. These crooked lines are also unable to convey the human senses reaching their peak more times than you can count while taking in the majesty and raw beauty of Alaska! My body may be here in Georgia, but my mind still wanders to the magnificence of our last frontier every day!

Video with photos of Alaska

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