Outgoing Commander Barak Zukerman is shown with incoming Commander Cindy Ringwall.
As is tradition in the boating world, marine-related organizations celebrate the Change of Watch when new leadership takes the helm. In early February America’s Boating Club Atlanta recognized its incoming commander, executive committee and various award recipients.
Pictured, outgoing Commander Barak Zukerman passes the commander’s flag featuring three tridents to incoming Commander Cindy Ringwall.
Awards were presented to the following members: Eric Ringwall, the Troncalli Education Award; Lisa Wilson, the Nelle Moon Award; and the Commander’s Award to Margaret Sherrod.
The group is gearing up for the boating season. Its Basic Safe Boating Classes will begin in March and alternate each series between in-person instruction and online teaching. Here are the starting dates for the season:
In-person classes will be held as one-day Saturday classes that begin on March 8; May 10 and July 12. Online classes take place on two Wednesdays, followed by a Saturday morning class; these begin on April 2, June 4 and July 30. The cost is $25 per person.
For more info or to register: americasboatingclubatlanta.org.
Photo: by Dave Fuller