“Pirates” and such adorn this boat at Aqualand Marina last year.
Registration is popping for the 2023 Pirates of Lanier Poker Run, taking place September 14-17 this year. Already many of the available slips at Margaritaville have been reserved by boaters coming from out of town for the event. Lead sponsors are Jape Services and Hamilton Finance.
“We have more boats than ever and they’re coming from all over the country,” said Sheridan Renfroe Bazemore, president of Lanier Partners of North Georgia, the event’s organizers.
Once again, the event will be headquartered at Margaritaville at Lanier Islands. Thursday night, a meet and greet for early arrival participants will take place at Margaritaville.
Friday’s events include Cheeseburger Paradise and the AVC stereo competition. That evening the welcome party will take place in Grand Hall and will include the mandatory captains’ and safety meeting.
The Poker Run begins Saturday at 9 a.m. with six marina card stops – Holiday Marina, Lazy Days Marina, Habersham Pointe, Port Royale, Safe Harbor Aqualand Marina and Gainesville Marina.
The US Coast Guard Auxiliary will be doing free boating safety checks at Port Royale and anyone who has a safety check will receive a free poker run card.
From 5 to 9 p.m., boaters will turn in their cards and participate in Casino Night at Landshark Landing.
Following the awards ceremony, a fireworks display will cap off the weekend.
“We are very excited about this year’s Poker Run, which raises money for children’s charities, including Camp Sunshine, Camp Twin Lakes and Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier,” she said.
For more information, visit www.lanierpirates.com.
Photo: courtesy Gordon Media Services