Encouraging more women to take the helm of sailboats, Barefoot Sailing Club will host its annual Joan Holcomb Memorial Women Skippers Regatta on Saturday, May 21. The race is open to all sailors, but the rules require that a woman helm the boat and serve as the sole tactician.
Holcomb was Commodore of Barefoot Sailing Club in 1994 and then led Lake Lanier Sailing Club as Commodore in 2002. An active sailor on Lake Lanier, she died on July 28, 2010, from a sudden illness.
“It was the wish of the sailing community and particularly Barefoot Sailing Club to change the name of our Women Skippers Race to honor the memory of everything Joan did for sailing on the lake,” said Ms. Kerry McGrath, membership chair of Barefoot Sailing Club. “Joan was held in high esteem, a real example of leadership, sportsmanship and sailing excellence.”
Crews on the sailboats can be male and female; however, a woman must drive the boat and provide all tactical input during the races.
The one-day regatta’s official Notice of Race will be posted on the club’s website at www.barefootsailingclub.org