October 15, 2022 – Boating Safety Class
Boating Safety & Personal Watercraft Certification – USCGA
Course: NASBLA-certified, entry-level, classroom-only course with test for boater education and PWC certification. The class covers basic boating terminology, “rules of the road,” navigation, operation, legal requirements, emergencies, water etiquette, and more.
Instructors: U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers
Minimum Age: 12
When: 9 am – 5 pm; October 15, 2022
Where: U.S. Coast Guard Flotilla 29, 6595 Lights Ferry Rd., Flowery Branch
Cost: Individuals $35
Private lessons are also available for groups or organizations outside normal scheduling by calling: Flotilla Commander Chuck Kelemen, 770-714-0888.
Information/registration: Perry Hidalgo, uscgaux29@gmail.com, 470-310-3336, wow.uscgaux.info