Google has awarded a $100,000 grant to support Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s (CRK) technology and education programs in Douglas County, specifically along Aneewakee and Sweetwater Creeks.
Water quality in the Chattahoochee River watershed has significantly improved during the last 20 years, but many sections of the river, including those downstream of Atlanta, are negatively affected by stormwater runoff carrying litter and sewage spills.
“By applying a combination of technology and educational tools we can have a tremendous impact on water quality in the river and the community’s understanding of the threats facing this precious resource. Together, we can ensure that public health is protected and so is the habitat for countless fish and wildlife,” said Jason Ulseth, Riverkeeper.
Funding from this grant will support multiple water quality monitoring sites along Anneewakee and Sweetwater Creeks as part of CRK’s Neighborhood Water Watch and Chattahoochee Aquatic Sensor System Integrated programs. Google’s funding will also support the installation of two “Litter Gitter” in-stream trash collectors, which will capture garbage as it floats down the tributaries and before it reaches the mainstem of the river.
“Since the Chattahoochee River runs right through our backyard, Google has been a longstanding community partner of CRK. The innovative work they do to ensure the River and its tributaries remain pristine and healthy is impressive,” said Russell Bonds, Google’s data center facility manager. “We’re proud that this grant will assist CRK to continue their efforts to keep our neighborhoods clean through their water monitoring, debris removal and education.”
The grant will be delivered through Tides Foundation, on the recommendation of Google Data Centers Grants.